The Bill McCloud scholarship is awarded to a collegiate member of NCMEA who is a resident of North Carolina and who has successfully completed 2 1/2 years in a music education degree program in North Carolina, with a GPA of 3.0. The scholarship is a one-time award of a minimum of $2,000. The award is paid in a lump sum directly to the recipient and the North Carolina college or university they are attending. A check will be sent to the college/university at the beginning of the recipient’s fourth year of undergraduate study.
A completed scholarship application must be submitted online no later than midnight March 1. The scholarship winner will be recognized at the NCMEA Professional Development Conference in November.
Criteria and Application
The scholarship award will be based on the following:
- North Carolina resident
- Music Education major in a North Carolina college or university
- Member of a Collegiate NAfME Chapter
- Actively involved in CNAfME
- Must have successfully completed 2 ½ years in a music education degree program at a North Carolina college or university
- GPA of 3.0
- Participation in music activities during college
- Extra-curricular and community activities during college
- Musical talent
- Leadership
- Disposition to teach music
- Character
The Bill McCloud Merit Scholarship application shall consist of:
- Description of CNAfME involvement, collegiate musical activities and extra-curricular and community activities.
- Essay on your decision to become a music educator.
- Digital recording of the applicant’s performance of three selections of various styles.
- A letter of recommendation from music school faculty reflecting the applicant’s musical talent, leadership, personality and character.
- Copy of official College/University transcript.
To all applicants:
Besides sending your official transcript to the NCMEA office, please be aware you will need to upload a Word document or PDF describing these three activities, plus an additional essay with this form:
- Your collegiate NAfME involvement
- Your collegiate musical activities
- Your extra-curricular and community activities
Also, you are required to upload three audio files of you performing in varying styles.
2025 applications open Jan. 31.