Brightening the Day with Music

Brightening the Day with Music

Submitted by: Melanie Cole
School: Fairview Heights Elementary School
County: Richmond

When I heard about the initial school closing for two weeks, then another month and later announced through the end of the school year, I immediately thought of my students. How could I reach my students and allow them the opportunity to hear inspirational music and share their music? We were actually working on social and emotional needs before the pandemic started. I saw a need to share encouraging songs with them to lift their spirits, inspire them and to hopefully help them to have a better day, better tomorrow or even better future.

The first contact I made with my students was by singing the school song (seen below) and sharing it with them. When they sing the school song, they feel proud to be a part of such a caring school. The words are in the song: “We will walk side by side as we show our Falcon Pride..” I believe that music enlightens the soul, broadens the horizon and motivates them to be successful. With all that is going on around the world, our students need motivation, inspiration and encouragement. Music can provide that outlet to stimulate the mind and allow students to think positive. I sent more inspirational songs and I received many “thank yous” from parents, which truly means a lot to know that the songs that I shared were hopefully easing their little minds and the parent’s minds as well.

Fairview Heights School Song


Fairview Heights is the best,
That rises to the test.
We’re the keepers of tomorrow
As we lead and follow.
We rise to success.
We wear our red, white, and blue,
Stand for our pride and truth.


We will walk side by side,
As we show our Falcon Pride!
We love our school. (2 times)
We’ll stand and cheer,
It’s good to be here.
We love our school.