Governing Documents


Collegiate Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures

Updated December 8, 2017

Click here for PDF version



The organization shall be known as the North Carolina Collegiate Division of the National Association for Music Education (CNAfME). The organization shall be affiliated on the state level with the North Carolina Music Educators Association (NCMEA) and on the national level with the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).




The Collegiate Member Division shall provide:

  1. An opportunity for students interested in music education in the colleges and universities of North Carolina to participate in all activities of the North Carolina Music Educators Association and the National Association for Music Education.
  2. Opportunities for student members to become better acquainted, discuss mutual problems, develop professional attitudes, work in a professional manner, and enhance the quality of the preparation of music educators.




Collegiate membership shall be open to students interested in music education enrolled at a North Carolina college or university having a Collegiate NAfME chapter who are not employed full-time as teachers upon payment of required dues. The privileges and services due each collegiate member shall be stated in the Collegiate Bylaws.




The Collegiate Executive Board represents the state collegiate membership and is composed of the President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Immediate Past-President.




The manner of the election of the Collegiate Executive Board shall be provided for in the Collegiate Bylaws.




Amendment of the NCMEA Collegiate Constitution may be initiated by (a) the Executive Board or (b) by petition, signed by a minimum of ten members representing at least three individual chapters.

An amendment must be presented to the membership by the Executive Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of voting. The Constitution may be amended by simple majority of those chapters voting. Constitutional amendments will be ratified or rejected by each state collegiate chapter by a simple majority of those in attendance at the chapter meeting. The Chapter President will report the vote to the state Collegiate President and Collegiate Advisor.

Adopted December 8, 2017






Section 1. Privileges. Collegiate members are entitled to all rights and privileges as presented in the NCMEA constitution with the exception of holding office and voting. Only the elected Collegiate President who chairs the collegiate division will have the right to vote and hold office as a member of the NCMEA Board.


Section 2. Services. Each collegiate member receives a subscription to NCMEA periodicals and other communication services deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. Collegiate members meeting stated requirements may apply for NCMEA sponsored scholarships and for financial assistance to attend collegiate programs sponsored by NAfME and/or NCMEA.




North Carolina Collegiate Membership dues are set by the NCMEA Board of Directors and may not exceed 1/3 of Active Membership dues. Collegiate Membership dues are included in payment of national dues when an individual joins the association and cover the fiscal year July 1 through June 30.




Section 1. Officers of the Collegiate Executive Board, elected by collegiate members, are:


    1. Collegiate President. Duties include (but are not limited to):
      1. Represents the collegiate membership as a voting member of the NCMEA Executive Board of Directors (4 meetings per year);
      2. Plans (in conjunction with the state collegiate advisor) and submits written/oral reports and budgets to the NCMEA Board as requested;
      3. Plans and coordinates collegiate activities at the annual NCMEA Conference;
      4. Plans for and presides at the annual Collegiate Business Meeting, including state collegiate officer elections (in conjunction with the state collegiate advisor and other officers);
      5. Communicates with state collegiate members regarding music education initiatives at the state and national level;
      6. Solicits nominations for state level collegiate officers as needed; and
      7. Serves as Immediate Past President the year following the conclusion of official duties.


    1. Collegiate Vice-President. Duties include (but are not limited to):
      1. Conduct meetings in the absence of the President;
      2. Serve as conference program co-chairperson with the President;
      3. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President;
      4. Assume the office of President in the event that the elected President is unable to complete his/her term of office.


    1. Recording Secretary. Duties include (but are not limited to):
      1. Record and file all minutes of Collegiate Executive Board meetings and forward copies to the NCMEA Executive Director;
      2. Maintain an accurate roster (available from the national NAfME office) of active state chapters, their elected officers, and advisors;
      3. Secure, as possible, a roster of other state’s officers;
      4. Plan, in conjunction with the Corresponding Secretary and state advisor) the reception at the annual Collegiate Business Meeting; and
      5. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President.


    1. Corresponding Secretary Duties include (but are not limited to):
      1. Assist the President as needed with correspondence to local chapters;
      2. Receive applications such as those for state office and Chapter of Excellence awards:
      3. Regularly update the state collegiate social media pages;
      4. Plan, in conjunction with the Corresponding Secretary and state advisor, the reception at the annual Collegiate Business Meeting;
      5. Report student activities to state and national publications as needed; and
      6. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President.


  1. Immediate Past-President (Initially served as Vice-President and then President) Duties include:
    1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the President and an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
    2. Cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.


Section 2. The State Collegiate Advisor is appointed by the NCMEA President and serves in an ex-officio capacity on the NCMEA Executive Board and on all collegiate NAfME committees. In addition to these responsibilities, the state collegiate advisor:


  1. Provides leadership and guidance to the state collegiate officers; 
  2. Prepares and submits, in conjunction with the Collegiate President, a section report prior to each NCMEA Board meeting and represent collegiate members’ interests to the NCMEA Executive Board;  
  3. Maintains regular correspondence with state chapter advisors;
  4. Plans the collegiate sessions and activities to be offered during the annual NCMEA Professional Development Conference in conjunction with the Collegiate President and Vice-President and upon advice of all officers. This work includes issuing a Call for Proposals, supervision of review and selection of sessions, determination of collegiate officers presiding at sessions;
  5. Supervises the election of state collegiate officers;
  6. Oversees the conferral of Chapter of Excellence recognition.
  7. Submits articles about collegiate activities and interests to the state music education journal as appropriate.
  8. Assists in recruiting collegiate members and in NCMEA membership recruitment campaigns. 


Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of two times annually, once prior to the NCMEA Conference and again during the spring semester. Additional Executive Board meetings shall be called as needed by the President and/or State Collegiate Advisor.




Section 1. Officers. The Vice President/President-Elect, the Recording Secretary, and the Corresponding Secretary shall be elected at the Collegiate Business Meeting during the annual NCMEA Conference.

Section 2. Terms of Office. The Vice-President serves a two-year term, as President-Elect and the second as state Collegiate President. As Past-President, this individual serves in an ex-officio capacity. The Corresponding and Recording Secretaries serve a one-year term.

Section 3. Voting. Voting will be achieved by secret ballot. The Executive Board will tabulate votes at the conference. A plurality of the votes cast will be required for election.

Section 4. Tie votes. In the event of a tie that cannot be broken by a run-off election, a committee composed of the Immediate Collegiate Past-President, the Immediate NCMEA Past President and the current NCMEA President will break the tie based on a blind review of the candidates’ resumes. 

Section 5. Election Results. Election results will be announced at the conference or, in the case of a tie, as soon as possible thereafter




Amendment of the NCMEA Collegiate Bylaws may be initiated by (a) the Executive Board or (b) by petition, signed by a minimum of ten members representing at least three individual chapters.

The Executive Board must present a proposed amendment to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of voting.  The Collegiate Bylaws may be amended by simple majority of those chapters voting. Constitutional amendments will be ratified or rejected by each local chapter by a simple majority of those in attendance at the chapter meeting. The Chapter President will report the vote to the state Collegiate President and Collegiate Advisor.

Adopted December 8, 2017



  1. Business Meetings
    1. The annual Collegiate Business Meeting will be held during the NCMEA Conference.
    2. The President may call other meetings with approval of the Executive Board and State Collegiate Advisor.
  2. Election Procedures
    1. Applications for office shall be filed no later than 14 days prior to the first day of the annual conference.
    2. Each collegiate chapter may nominate (via completed application) one student per state office (Vice-President/President Elect, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary). A current resume and a brief written statement describing the candidate’s strengths and interest in the desired position must accompany the application form. All application materials (completed form, resume and statement of interest) must be filed no later than 14 days prior to the first day of the annual conference.
    3. The Executive Board shall announce the final slate of candidates and their qualification to local chapters no later than one week prior to the annual NCMEA Conference. Should no applications for any office be received by the filing deadline, it is the responsibility of the Executive Board to prepare a ballot for that office.
    4. Candidates for each office must be present for elections and will address the student members during the Collegiate Business Meeting at the annual NCMEA Conference.
    5. Chapters with representatives in attendance will be allotted 10 votes per state office. All votes must be cast in whole numbers but may be split between candidates as desired.
  3. Chapter Awards
    1. The NCMEA Collegiate Chapter of Excellence Award recognizes NAfME chapters for contributions to NAfME Collegiate, their college or university, and/or their community. Awards are based on individual chapter accomplishments rather than on competition between chapters. Recipients are recognized during the NCMEA annual conference.
    2. Categories for Chapter of Excellence recognition align with those for the national NAfME Chapter of Excellence awards: Advocacy, Music Program, Professional Development, Recruitment Technique, and Service
    3. Chapters applying for Chapter of Excellence Recognition may not apply in the same category using the same project for multiple years.

Adopted December 8, 2017