NCMEA is celebrating the 4th Annual Kids Music Day on Friday October 4 by partnering with over 600 music schools, music retail and other music organizations to hold special events that benefit and celebrate kids playing music. The Keep Music Alive mission is to help more kids reap the educational, therapeutic and social benefits of playing music.
Events range from student performances, instrument petting zoos, instrument donation drives, guitar/ukulele/drum circles and more. Kids Music Day serves as a means to encourage parents and the media to talk about the benefits of music education and inspire more kids to begin their own musical journey.
For the first time, we are also starting to see some public schools begin to participate in Kids Music Day with student performances and other special events. Schools can participate by signing up on the Kids Music Day website (free event listings) or they can participate informally with an in-school only event/recognition of Kids Music Day inviting new students to check out the music program.
For more information visit these websites: