Governing Documents

Constitution and Bylaws of the Elementary Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association
(Revised November 2023)

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Section 1. Name: The name of the organization shall be the Elementary Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association, an affiliate of the National Association for Music Education.


Section 2. Relationships: This organization shall remain in a close relationship with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, NAfME, as well as other arts and educational organizations.





Section 1. Object: The mission of the Elementary Section is to support teachers and other contributors in upholding and improving the quality of music education for students in North Carolina, grades K-6.


Section 2. Functions: The section, through its board and special committees, shall encourage and promote elementary music education in North Carolina by means of workshops, publications, meetings, and other activities.




Section 1. Active Membership: Active membership shall be granted to any individual engaged in elementary music education who is a member of NCMEA.


Section 2.  The right to vote or hold office is reserved for active or retired members.




Section 1. Current payment of NCMEA dues shall be the only dues requirement in the Elementary Section.




Section 1. The elective officers of the Elementary Section shall be the Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Members-at-Large. These elected officers will serve as the Executive Committee of the Elementary Section. The terms of office for these positions shall be two years.


Section 2. The Elementary Section Board shall consist of the Executive Committee, Honors Chorus Chair, and one representative from each NCMEA district appointed by the Chairperson. The term of office for Honors Chorus Chair and district representatives shall be two years, which can be extended at the discretion of the Chairperson.


Section 3. Vacancies in all elective offices shall be filled upon recommendation of the Executive Committee until an election for the unexpired term is held at the next regularly scheduled Fall Professional Development Conference.


Section 4. Vacancies in appointed offices will be filled by the Executive Committee as necessary.


Section 5. Past Section Chairs shall serve as ex-officio members of the board.




Section 1. The Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large shall be elected by secret ballot in even-numbered years at the annual Professional Development Conference. Installation of said officers shall precede adjournment of the Conference. District representatives shall be appointed by the Chairperson when he/she assumes his/her term of office.


Section 2.

  1. A nominating committee composed of the Executive Committee shall prepare a diverse slate of candidates for the officers to be elected which shall be presented to the membership.
  2. Additional nominations by any active member may be made from the floor.





Section 1. The Elementary Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association shall meet annually at the Fall Professional Development Conference.


Section 2. The Elementary Board shall meet four times annually, including the Fall Professional Development Conference. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson.


Section 3. Members of the Executive Board shall be in attendance at three of the four required meetings. Absences may be excused by the chair.




Section 1. A quorum shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of the active members registered at the Fall Professional Development Conference.


Section 2.

  1. The election of officers shall be by secret ballot.
  2. All other business shall be voted upon by a counted show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested by an active member through a motion and a second.



Section 1. The Constitution and/or Bylaws of the Elementary Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association may be amended with the approval of the NCMEA Executive Board, followed by the approval of two-thirds of the membership present at the regularly scheduled Fall Professional Development Conference.


Section 2. Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be made available to the entire elementary membership at least thirty (30) days before a regularly scheduled meeting.






Section 1. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Elementary Section, enforce due observance of the Constitution and Bylaws, call meetings of the Executive Committee, and appoint committees not otherwise provided for in the Constitution. The Chairperson shall provide the committees with the necessary information pertaining to the carrying out of their responsibilities. When an immediate decision is necessary, the Chairperson shall be empowered to act with the concurrence of the Executive Committee.


Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson-Elect to perform all the duties of the Chairperson in the event of the absence of the Chairperson.


Section 3. The immediate past Chairperson of the Elementary Section shall serve as consultant to the Chairperson.


Section 4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and shall furnish the Executive Director of the North Carolina Music Educators Association a summary of said minutes for filing and shall perform other duties as directed by the Chairperson and/or the Executive Committee.


Section 5. The Treasurer shall administer all revenues and any other monies, pay local expenses, and submit the account balance to the Executive Director of the North Carolina Music Educators Association. The Treasurer will also submit an expense report to the NCMEA Executive Director, the Elementary Chairperson and the Elementary Board. Per NCMEA policy, the treasurer will designate a second signatory on the checking account, and a third party to perform quarterly account balance sheets. Both of these parties must be NCMEA members.



Section 6. The Elementary Board shall: (a) Administer the business and educational affairs of the Elementary Section and have responsibility for its general policies and program of activities; (b) Plan and develop effective means of promoting music education by working closely with all other sections of NCMEA; (c) Serve as the planning committee for all Elementary Section events.




Section 1. The following Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed as deemed necessary by the Chairperson of the Elementary Section: Membership Committee, Publications Committee, Constitution Committee, Elections Committee, Conference Committee, Advocacy Committee, Honors Chorus Committee, Teacher of the Year Committee, Mentor Committee, Technology Committee, & Finance Committee.




Section 1. The Membership Committee shall consist of each district representative in the Elementary Section of NCMEA. The district representatives will be provided a list of current members and then provide the names of all teachers intending membership in this organization. The complete list should be forwarded to the Chairperson of the Membership Committee and by the Chairperson to the Secretary of the Elementary Section.


Section 2. The Publications Committee shall work closely with the Chair of the Elementary Section and District Representatives to create quarterly communication to be shared with the teachers across the state.


Section 3. The Constitution Committee shall review annually the Constitution and Bylaws and make recommendations for revisions and/or amendments.


Section 4. The Elections Committee shall supervise all elections to ensure that only active and retired members are permitted to cast ballots. It shall also be the duty of this committee to count the votes and announce the results.


Section 5. The Conference Committee, consisting of the voting members of the Elementary Section Board, shall be responsible for planning the demonstrations, speakers and activities that shall be presented at the Professional Development Conference.


Section 6. The Advocacy Committee shall promote a sequential, well-balanced, comprehensive and high-quality program of music education throughout the state.


Section 7. The Honors Chorus Committee shall coordinate the annual Elementary Honors Chorus activities.


Section 8. The Teacher of the Year Committee shall coordinate the nomination and selection process for the Elementary Teacher of the Year Award.


Section 9. The Mentor Committee shall coordinate the elementary portion of the new teacher mentor program, working in conjunction with the Mentor Committee of the NCMEA Board.


Section 10. The Technology Committee shall assist with all technological needs during virtual meetings and in-person conference sessions.


Section 11. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Elementary Section. The Finance Committee shall create and enforce budgets for conferences and events.




Section 1.

  1. Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern all business meetings of the Elementary Section in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws.
  2. The Chairperson shall appoint a parliamentarian from the board to oversee the implementation of Roberts Rules of Order.

Revised March 2023
Approved August 2023